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Please be advised that you must have a regularly scheduled appointment in order to receive the proper refill. Please make sure you scheduled your appointments a few days before you run out of medications.
*** Please be advised that pharmacy changes are subject to a $15 fee. A payment link will be sent to you after the provider has approved you're request.

If so, please input the date.

Controlled substance refills may be subject to fee for qualifying patients. All patients on controlled substances are required to be seen every 30 days in order to receive a refill. Please make sure that you have an upcoming appointment. We will not refill any controlled substances without an appointment. If you have questions regarding your refill, please contact the office at: (832)879-2107.


All medication refills request will be reviewed at the end of the business day of which you submitted.


Any request submitted after 4:30 p.m. will be reviewed at the end of the following business day.


Calls or Faxes from pharmacies will not be honored and is not an acceptable form of requesting a refill.

Please allow up to 48-hours to inquire about a recently submitted request.


If you have not received an update within 48-hours of the day you originally submitted your request, please contact the office via phone at: (832)879-2107.

* Required field