Alpine Family Medicine
PLEASE NEVER CREATE YOUR OWN PORTAL ACCOUNT. OUR OFFICE IS UNABLE TO EDIT OR CHANGE USER NAMES ONCE THEY ARE CREATED. Please call our office to have a patient portal account created, changed or edited.
Portal access allows our patients to securely receive and view lab results, make payments and make appointments.
We utilize the HIPAA compliant, password protected,
encrypted Updox portal to transmit personal health information.
Established patients who have registered on our patient portal may now request appointments via their secure Updox portal account. Please note: After requesting an appointment time, you must be sure you receive a confirmation back indicating that the request has been approved. Without this approval, Updox cannot transfer your appointment request to the master schedule and due to scheduling conflicts, your appointment time may not be honored.
We are sorry but "same-day" appointment requests are not available through the portal. You will need to call the office directly to make a "same-day" appointment (801)763-9851.
Once you have successfully logged into your portal account, you can change your user-name and/or password if you wish to do so. Please note however, that your user-name cannot be the same as another person who may also use/share your email address as their same access address (i.e. family members, spouse, etc...)
If you have received a notice to retrieve a message sent from our office: After signing in, please click on the message square, (the one between
the home and records squares.) This bar contains 4 square buttons located
just below the large Updox logo.
Please make sure to read all messages in your portal inbox.
Portal OPT-OUT option:
While there is an
option to opt-out of portal usage, if you do decide to opt-out, you will not
receive any more portal invites, messages, lab results, etc. Please note:
Should you opt-out, our office cannot reverse or change this
setting and only you, the user, can opt-back in.