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Apex Health
Available Forms
2. NEW PATIENT Medical History
3. HIPAA Release and CONTACT Policy
5. NEW PATIENT Opioid Dependence Scale
6. Clinic Rules Form
7. FOLLOW UP Opioid Dependence Progress Report
5. NEW PATIENT Opioid Dependence Scale
Enter your name:
Date of Birth:
The following questions all apply to the last 30 days:
1. How often have you had trouble with thinking clearly or had memory problems?
-- Please Select --
0- Never
1- Seldom
2- Sometimes
3- Often
4- Very Often
2. How often do people complain that you are not completing necessary tasks? (including going to class, work, or appointments)
-- Please Select --
0- Never
1- Seldom
2- Sometimes
3- Often
4- Very Often
3. How often have you had to go to someone other than your prescribing physician to get sufficient pain relief from medications? (eg another doctor, the ER, friends, or 'street' sources)
-- Please Select --
0- Never
1- Seldom
2- Sometimes
3- Often
4- Very Often
4. How often have you taken your medications differently than they were prescribed?
-- Please Select --
0- Never
1- Seldom
2- Sometimes
3- Often
4- Very Often
5. How often have you seriously thought about harming yourself?
-- Please Select --
0- Never
1- Seldom
2- Sometimes
3- Often
4- Very Often
6. How much of your time was spent thinking about opioid medications (having enough, taking them, dosing schedule, etc.)?
-- Please Select --
0- Never
1- Seldom
2- Sometimes
3- Often
4- Very Often
7. How often have you been in an argument?
-- Please Select --
0- Never
1- Seldom
2- Sometimes
3- Often
4- Very Often
8. How often have you had trouble controlling your anger? (eg. road rage, yelling, etc)
-- Please Select --
0- Never
1- Seldom
2- Sometimes
3- Often
4- Very Often
9. How often have you needed to take pain medications belonging to someone else?
-- Please Select --
0- Never
1- Seldom
2- Sometimes
3- Often
4- Very Often
10. How often have YOU been worried about how you're handling your medications?
-- Please Select --
0- Never
1- Seldom
2- Sometimes
3- Often
4- Very Often
11. How often have OTHERS been worried about how you're handling your medications?
-- Please Select --
0- Never
1- Seldom
2- Sometimes
3- Often
4- Very Often
12. How often have you had to make an emergency phone call or show up at a clinic without an appointment to get medicine?
-- Please Select --
0- Never
1- Seldom
2- Sometimes
3- Often
4- Very Often
13. How often have you gotten angry with people?
-- Please Select --
0- Never
1- Seldom
2- Sometimes
3- Often
4- Very Often
14. How often have you had to take more of your medication than prescribed?
-- Please Select --
0- Never
1- Seldom
2- Sometimes
3- Often
4- Very Often
15. How often have you borrowed medication from someone else?
-- Please Select --
0- Never
1- Seldom
2- Sometimes
3- Often
4- Very Often
16. How often have you used your pain medicine for symptoms other than for pain? (eg to help you sleep, improve your mood, or relieve stress)?
-- Please Select --
0- Never
1- Seldom
2- Sometimes
3- Often
4- Very Often
17. How often have you had to visit the Emergency Room?
-- Please Select --
0- Never
1- Seldom
2- Sometimes
3- Often
4- Very Often
Use this field if you want to provide any additional information or explanation of above answers.
Enter your name again to attest the above information is correct to the best of your knowledge.
Today's Date:
Please press SUBMIT FORM when complete
* Required field
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