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TMS Forms

TMS Pain Diagram, Questionnaire, & Quadruple Visual Analogue Scale

Please complete the entire form to the best of your ability. Thank you!

First Last
Today's date


Indicate years, months, and weeks

Please indicate where you are experiencing pain or other symptoms, right now. Also indicate the type of pain in each area.

If possible, fill out this diagram to indicate where you are experiencing pain or other symptoms & what type. Upload below.

If you are unable to upload the diagram, answer the following questions. Indicate the type of pain in each area using the key below.



Where (if at all) is the pain on this part of your body? Please be as specific as possible.
Leave blank if you did not indicate pain in areas on the anterior/front side of the body.
Where (if at all) is the pain in this part of your body? Please be as specific as possible.
Leave blank if you did not indicate pain in areas on the posterior/back side of the body.


This questionnaire has been designed to help you evaluate the likelihood of your having TMS. It cannot replace a detailed medical history, examination, and review of x-rays and MRI scans. Only a medical doctor with expertise in this condition should make the diagnosis of TMS during an office consultation.


Please add your responses and total your points below:

Key to total points: Highly probable for TMS: 7-10 points; Possibly TMS: 4-6 points; Probably not: TMS 0-3 points

Additional Questions (don't score these):



Please check the number that best describes the question being asked.

Note: If you have more than one complaint, please check boxes for each individual complaint and indicate the score for each complaint. Please indicate your pain level right now, average pain, and pain at its best and worst.

If you indicated more than one complaint
If you indicated more than one complaint
If you indicated more than one complaint
If you indicated more than one complaint
* Required field